An isosceles trapezoid, the sum of the top and bottom is 14.5 cm, waist length is 6.8 cm, how many cm is his circumference?

An isosceles trapezoid, the sum of the top and bottom is 14.5 cm, waist length is 6.8 cm, how many cm is his circumference?

Perimeter = 14.5 + 6.8 * 2 = 14.5 + 13.6 = 28.1cm

An isosceles trapezoid, the sum of the top and bottom is 14.5 cm, waist length is 6.8 cm, how many cm? How many meters?

I know the upper and lower ends, the waist length, and the circumference. Circumference C = 14.5 + 6.8 * 2 = 28.1cm = 0.281m

Area of trapezoid = () Z is ()

Area of trapezoid = (upper bottom + lower bottom) × height △ 2
The letter means (a + b) × h △ 2