It is known that the radius of the bottom of the cylindrical grain barrel is 3M and the height is 4m. What is its bottom area and volume

It is known that the radius of the bottom of the cylindrical grain barrel is 3M and the height is 4m. What is its bottom area and volume

S-Base = π R & # 178; = 9 π M2 v = S-Base * H = 9 π * 4 = 36 π M3

The bottom radius of a cone-shaped grain pile is 3M and the height is 1.8m. How high is the rice in a cylindrical grain bin with a bottom radius of 2m?

Cone volume: 1 / 3 × 3.14 × 3 & # 178; × 1.8 = 16.956m3
Height of rice: 16.956 △ (3.14 × 2 & # 178;) = 1.35M

A cone-shaped wheat pile has a bottom radius of 3 m and a height of 2 M. if the wheat is put into a cylindrical grain bin, it only accounts for three seventh of the grain bin volume

First, we calculate the volume of conical wheat pile, then the volume of grain storage, and finally the height
3.14 * 3 square * 2 * 1 / 3 = 18.84 cubic meters
18.84 / (3 / 7) = 43.96 M3
43.96/bottom area = high
I wish you progress in your study!

Proof: any quadrilateral, as long as the diagonal perpendicular to each other, its area is equal to half of the diagonal product!

Let the quadrilateral be ABCD, AC ⊥ BD at point o
Then s quadrilateral ABCD = s △ ABC + s △ ADC
S quadrilateral ABCD
That is, its area is equal to half of the diagonal product

Is the area of an irregular quadrilateral equal to half of the product of two diagonals

In general, the area of an irregular quadrilateral is equal to half of the product of two diagonals and the sine of the angle
Only when the included angle is 90, that is, perpendicular to each other, the area of the irregular quadrilateral is equal to half of the product of two diagonals

The proposition that the area of a quadrilateral whose diagonals are perpendicular to each other is equal to half of the product of the lengths of two diagonals_____________ The conclusion is that____________ .

If the diagonals of a quadrilateral are perpendicular to each other
Conclusion: then the area of this quadrilateral is equal to half of the product of the lengths of two diagonals

A parallelogram is divided into three triangles. The area of one triangle must be equal to the sum of the areas of the other two triangles. Why

Take a point from a long side of a row of parallelogram. Then connect the two ends of the opposite side to form three triangles of equal height. The bottom edge of the middle one is equal to the long sum of the triangles on both sides. Draw a picture

The area of a triangle is half that of a parallelogram______ (judge right or wrong)

Because the area of a triangle is half of that of a parallelogram with the same base and height

The area of a parallelogram is twice that of a triangle

Not equal to