The side length of a cube is the second millimeter of 10. If the side length of a square is ten times of the original, the volume of the cube is () cubic millimeter

The side length of a cube is the second millimeter of 10. If the side length of a square is ten times of the original, the volume of the cube is () cubic millimeter

=10 ^ 9 cubic millimeter

Last year, Uncle Zhang used rectangular reed mats 2 meters long and 1 meter wide to form the largest cylindrical grain storage. This year, he used rectangular reed mats 3 meters long and 2 meters wide to form the largest cylindrical grain storage?

π × (32 π) 2 × 2 ^ [π × (22 π) 2 × 1] = 94 π × 2 ^ - 1 π = 92 π ^ - 1 π = 4.5 times; a: the volume of grain storage this year is 4.5 times that of last year

A rectangular wooden box, its bottom is square, 3M, volume is 2.2m & sup3;, find the side length of the bottom of the wooden box (accurate to 0.1M)

Bottom area = 2.2 △ 1.3 ≈ 1.69m
Side length = root 1.69 = 1.3m

Divide the 7m long rope into 9 sections, each section is 7m long, and each section is 7m long

The 7m long rope is divided into 9 sections, each section is 7 meters long,
7 △ 9 = 7 / 9
Each segment is 7 m (1 / 9)
1 △ 9 = 1 / 9
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After a rope is folded in half for three times, the length of each section is 9.26 meters. How many meters is the total length of this rope?

After folding a rope in half for three times, divide the rope into eight parts, so the total length is: 9.26 × 8 = 74.08 (m). A: the total length of the rope is 74.08 M

The width of a rectangle is 4 / 5m, and its length is 1 / 3M more than its width?

4 / 5 + 1 / 3 = 12 / 15 + 5 / 15 = 17 / 15m

A bathtub is a cuboid, about 1.2m in length, 0.5m in width and 0.3m in height. How much water can it hold at most?

The volume of bathtub is about: v = 1.2m × 0.5m × 0.3m = 0.18m3, ∵ ρ = MV, ∵ can hold water at most: M = ρ v = 1 × 103kg / m3 × 0.18m3 = 180kg

A bathtub is a cuboid, about 1.2m in length, 0.5m in width and 0.3m in height. How much water can it hold at most?

The volume of bathtub is about: v = 1.2m × 0.5m × 0.3m = 0.18m3, ∵ ρ = MV, ∵ can hold water at most: M = ρ v = 1 × 103kg / m3 × 0.18m3 = 180kg

A bathtub is a cuboid with the length, width and height of 1.2m, 0.5m and 0.3m respectively. How many kilograms of water can it hold at most?

This bathtub is a cuboid, its volume is 1.2x0.5x0.3 = 0.18 cubic meters
It can hold water mass = 0.18x1000 = 180kg

A bathtub is a cuboid, about 1.2m in length, 0.5m in width and 0.3m in height. How much water can it hold at most?

The volume of bathtub is about: v = 1.2m × 0.5m × 0.3m = 0.18m3, ∵ ρ = MV, ∵ can hold water at most: M = ρ v = 1 × 103kg / m3 × 0.18m3 = 180kg