A triangle of wheat fields, the bottom is 125 meters, the height is 72 meters. Last year, this land received a total of 10.8 tons of wheat, the average yield of wheat per hectare how many tons?

A triangle of wheat fields, the bottom is 125 meters, the height is 72 meters. Last year, this land received a total of 10.8 tons of wheat, the average yield of wheat per hectare how many tons?

125 × 72 / 2, = 9000 / 2, = 4500 (M2), = 0.45 (HA); 10.8 / 0.45 = 24 (T); a: the average wheat yield per ha is 24 t

A triangular wheat field is 125 meters long at the bottom and 156 meters high. It has a total yield of 6825 kg of wheat. How many kg of wheat are harvested per hectare

Wheat field area: 125 × 156 △ 2 = 9750 square meters
9750 M2 = 0.975 ha
Average wheat yield per hectare: 6825 △ 0.975 = 7000 kg
A: the average wheat yield per hectare is 7000 kg

The bottom of a triangular wheat field is 80 meters long and 50 meters high. The total yield of this wheat field is 2025 kg. What is the total yield per hectare?

The area of this wheat field: 0.5 * 80 * 50 = 2000 square meters = 0.2 hectares
The total yield per hectare is: 2025 / 0.2 = 10125 kg