For a parallelogram nursery, the bottom is 24 meters and the height is 25% of the bottom. If the average area of each seedling is 0.3 square meters, then

For a parallelogram nursery, the bottom is 24 meters and the height is 25% of the bottom. If the average area of each seedling is 0.3 square meters, then

This nursery can grow 480 seedlings

Parallelogram nursery, in which split a largest triangle, has been the bottom of the parallelogram 20 meters, 12 meters hypotenuse, triangle area?

The area is 69

The school has a triangular nursery. The maximum angle of the nursery is 100 degrees, which is four times of the minimum angle. What are the degrees of the other two angles of the nursery,
What triangle is there in a triangle nursery

∵ the school has a triangular nursery. The maximum angle of the nursery is 100 degrees, which is four times of the minimum angle,
The other angle is 180-100-25 = 55 ° and the other two angles are 25 ° and 55 ° respectively