A trapezoidal wheat field is 350 meters in height, 480 meters in height and 600 meters in height. How many tons of wheat can be harvested if 6000 kg wheat is harvested per hectare?

A trapezoidal wheat field is 350 meters in height, 480 meters in height and 600 meters in height. How many tons of wheat can be harvested if 6000 kg wheat is harvested per hectare?

Area s = (350 + 480) × 600 △ 2
=249000 square meters
=24.9 ha
24.9 × 6000 △ 1000 = 149.4 tons
A: this wheat field can yield 149.4 tons of wheat

A parallelogram paddy field is 120 meters in bottom and 80 meters in height, with a total yield of 7872 kg of rice. How many kg of rice are produced per hectare on average?


The height of a parallelogram nursery is 1218.5 meters, which is 12 meters per square meter. How many seedlings can be planted in this nursery

1015 seedlings can be planted