A cuboid water tank, measured from the inside, has a bottom area of 5 square meters and a water depth of 1.6. This water tank can hold () l of water

A cuboid water tank, measured from the inside, has a bottom area of 5 square meters and a water depth of 1.6. This water tank can hold () l of water

eight thousand

A sprinkler, 200 meters per minute, sprinkler width is 8 meters. Sprinkler 6 minutes, can give how much water on the ground?

6 × 200 × 8 = 9600 square meters

The width of a watering cart is 8 meters when it runs 200 meters per minute. How much water can a watering cart sprinkle on the ground when it runs for 6 minutes

200 * 6 * 8 = 9600 square meters