Can a water tanker that can carry up to 1 ton of water carry 1 ton of oil? Use known seek answer answer,

Can a water tanker that can carry up to 1 ton of water carry 1 ton of oil? Use known seek answer answer,

Because the density of water is higher than that of oil
So the volume of one ton of oil is larger than that of one ton of water
Therefore, a water tanker that can carry up to 1t of water cannot carry 1t of oil

Can a water tanker that can carry up to one ton of water carry one ton of gasoline?
Yes or no? Why?

No, because the same volume of water is much heavier than the same volume of gasoline
Gasoline is dense, so it can't work

Can a water tanker that can carry up to one ton of water carry one ton of gasoline? Why?

The density of water is 1.0 × 103kg / m3, and the density of gasoline is 0.71 × 103kg / m3. Because the volume of the water tanker is fixed, that is, in the case of the same volume, because the density of gasoline is smaller than that of water, the mass of gasoline is smaller than that of water, so the water tanker that can carry 1t water at most cannot carry 1t gasoline; or when the mass of gasoline is the same as that of water, the mass of gasoline is smaller than that of water The density of gasoline is smaller than that of water, so the volume of gasoline is larger than that of water, so the water truck can't hold 1 ton of gasoline. A: because the density of gasoline is smaller than that of water, the mass of gasoline is smaller than that of water in the same volume