The arithmetic square root of 100 divided by 3.14

The arithmetic square root of 100 divided by 3.14

√ (100 / 3.14) = 5.643 (3 cycles)
Remember that the square root of arithmetic is positive

Please explain the algorithm of square root of white dot, such as the square root of 196
I don't move much. What do you mean!
Please answer me quickly

It's best to remember the square numbers below 20
The calculation steps of the method are as follows:
1. Divide the integral part of the number to be squared from one digit to the left every two digits into a segment, and separate it with an apostrophe (1'96), which means that the square root is several digits;
2. According to the number in the first paragraph on the left, find the number (1) on the highest order of the square root;
3. Subtract the square of the highest number from the number in the first paragraph, and write the number in the second paragraph to the right of their difference to form the first remainder (96);
4. Multiply the highest number of digits by 20 to try to divide the first remainder, and the maximum integer obtained is taken as the trial quotient (1 × 20 divided by 96, the maximum integer obtained is 4, that is, the trial quotient is 4);
If the product is less than or equal to the remainder, the trial quotient is the second digit of the square root; if the product is greater than the remainder, reduce the trial quotient and try again (in the vertical formula (20 × 1 + 4) × 4 = 96, indicating that trial quotient 4 is the second digit of the square root);
6. In the same way, continue to find the numbers on the other bits of the square root

Does negative 14 have a square root? What is its square root?

Negative numbers have no square roots

Simple calculation of 56 × 9 + 7 × 6.4 × 1.25


28 out of 39 minus 35 out of six is equal to

=56 out of 78-455 out of 78 = - 133 out of 26

What's 39 twenties?


Xiaoying did 15 math problems, and got 8 points for one of them. If she didn't do it or got 4 points for one of them wrong, Xiaoying got 72 points. How many did she do right

If we do the right X-ray, then 8x-4 (15-x) = 72, x = 11

If you answer 15 questions in the math test, you will get 4 points if you answer one right, 2 points if you do wrong or don't do it backwards, and 36 points if Xiaohua finishes all the questions,
Mathematical problem solving
If Xiaohua finished all the questions, he got 36 points. Did he do it right?

15 - (15 × 4 - 36) / (4 + 2) = 11 (question)
I got 11 questions right
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There are 25 math problems. If you do one right, you get 4 points. If you do one wrong or don't do it, you get 1 point. Xiao Hong gets 60 points. How many times did he do it right

Wrong = (25 * 4-60) / (4 + 1) = 8
Right = 25-8 = 17

If you want to test for 80 points, how many questions do you need to solve? Use equation

4 times X - (25-x) = 80