98 ^ 2 Use the difference of squares to calculate... And (3x-5) ^ 2 - (2x + 7) ^ 2 also uses the square difference

98 ^ 2 Use the difference of squares to calculate... And (3x-5) ^ 2 - (2x + 7) ^ 2 also uses the square difference


A simple algorithm of 89 * 98


2012 / 2014 / 2013, 999 / 8 + 99 / 8 + 9 / 8 + 9 / 8 + 1 / 3

2012 / 2014 / 2013
=2012 *(2014/2013)
=2012 *(1+1/2013)
=2012 and 2012 / 2013
999 8 / 9 + 99 8 / 9 + 9 8 / 9 + 1 / 3
=1 in 1000-9 + 1 in 100-9 + 1 in 10-9 + 3 in 9
=1000 + 100 + 10-9 1-9 1-9 1 + 9 3

There is an even number with two digits, which can be divided by 5, and the number on its ten digits is even. How many such two digits are there? What is the smallest?

20 40 60 80

There is an even number with two digits, which can be divided by 5, and the number on its ten digits is even. How many such two digits are there? What is the smallest of them

There are four such double digits, 20 40 60 80
The smallest is 20

A two digit even ten digit number is odd, and it can be divided by three. How many two digits are there? What is the minimum? What is the maximum?

A two digit even ten digit number is odd. It can be divided by three. There are eight such two digits: 12, 18, 36, 54, 72, 78, 90, 96
The minimum is 12 and the maximum is 96

A two digit even number, the number on the ten digit is odd, it can be divided by 3, how many such two digits are there? What is the minimum? What is the maximum?

If the first kind of two digit number is 12, 18, 30, 36, 54, 72, 78, 90, 96, there are 9, of which the minimum is 12 and the maximum is 96. If the second kind of two digit number is 30, 32

There is a three digit number, the one digit number is the largest even number, the ten digit number is the largest odd number, and the minimum number is ()

There is a three digit number, one digit number is the largest even number (8), ten digit number is the largest odd number (9), and the smallest number is (198)

I am a three digit number. The number on the hundred digit is the smallest odd number, the number on the one digit is the smallest natural number, and the number on the ten digit is an even number larger than 4. How much may I be?

The smallest odd number is 1, that is, the number on the hundreds is 1, the smallest natural number is 0, that is, the number on the individual bits is 0, and even numbers larger than 4 are: 6, 8 So the number on ten may be 6 or 8. So the three digit number is 160 or 180. A: the three digit number is 160 or 180

A three digit number, a hundred digit number is the smallest odd number, a ten digit number is 0, and a single digit number is the largest even number in a single digit number

For a three digit number, a hundred digit number is the smallest odd number, a ten digit number is 0, and a single digit number is the largest even number in a single digit number