The greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of 12, 24 and 46

The greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of 12, 24 and 46

Obviously, the greatest common divisor of 12, 24 and 46 is 2
The least common multiple of 12, 24 and 46 is the least common multiple of 24 and 46
From 24 = 2 × 12; 46 = 2 × 23
The least common multiple of 24 and 46 is 2 × 12 × 23 = 552
The least common multiple of 12, 24 and 46 is 552

The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 23 and 15

The greatest common factor is 1 and the least common multiple is 23 * 15 = 345

What are the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 23 and 6

Least common multiple: 138
Greatest common factor: 1

Second grade mathematics fractional equation problem solving!
When m is the value, the equation 2 / x + 1 + 5 / 1-x = m / X has no solution
Solving Tat

Your topic should be 2 / (x + 1) + 5 / (1-x) = m / X!

If one of the two equations x2 + (K-2) x + 2k-1 = 0 is between 0 and 1, and the other is between 1 and 2, then the value range of real number k is______ .

Let f (x) = x2 + (K-2) x + 2k-1 ∵ of the two equations x2 + (K-2) x + 2k-1 = 0, one is between 0 and 1, the other is between 1 and 2, ∵ f (0) > 0, f (1) < 0, f (2) > 0 ∵ 2K − 1 > 03k − 2 < 04k − 1 > 0 ∵ 12 < K < 23 ∵ the value range of real number k is (12, 23), so the answer is: (12, 23)

It is known that the solution of the equation 2 (x + k) - 1 = 0 about X is one-third smaller than that of 4x-k = 2K + 1. Find the value of the square-k-1 of the algebraic formula K
Seeking the right

According to the meaning of the title, we can draw a conclusion

Let someone swim along a river, LM, and then swim upstream to the starting point. Let the swimming speed of the person in still water be XM / s, and the current speed be nm / s, and find the time t required for him to go back and forth

L/(x+n) +L/(x-n)

On the application of fractional equation
A new kind of coating is prepared with 100 yuan a coating and 240 yuan B coating. The price per kilogram of the new coating is 3 yuan less than that of a coating and 1 yuan more than that of B coating. How much is the price per kilogram of all kinds of new coatings?

Suppose the price of the new paint is x yuan per kilogram,
At the same time, multiply (x + 3) (x-1) x to get
100x2-100x + 240x2 + 720x without brackets = 340x2 + 680x-1020
60x = 1020 for items of the same kind

Solving the fractional equation: x-4 / 5-x - 3 = negative 1 / X-5

X-4/5-X -3 =1/5-X
Multiply by 5-x
X-4-3 (5-x) = 1
solve equations

On the fractional equation of X: the solution of XX + 1 = 12 is______ .

XX + 1 = 12, the two sides of the equation multiply by 2 (x + 1) to get 2x = x + 1, and the solution is x = 1. Test: substitute x = 1 into 2 (x + 1) = 4 ≠ 0