Two coprime numbers whose least common multiple is 702 are______ .

Two coprime numbers whose least common multiple is 702 are______ .

Because 702 = 2 × 3 × 3 × 13, the factors of 702 are: 2 and 351, 6 and 117, 9 and 78, 18 and 39, 26 and 27. Because the two coprime numbers are only common factors, 1, 6 and 117, 9 and 78 are not coprime numbers, the answer is: 2 and 351 or 26 and 27

1. Two composite numbers are coprime. The least common multiple is 144. These two numbers are ()(
1. Two composite numbers are coprime, and the least common multiple is 144. These two numbers are () ()

1. Two composite numbers are coprime. The least common multiple is 144. These two numbers are coprime______ 9________________ 16_________ 144 = 9 × 162. In a ratio, the ratio of the two ratios is equal to 4. If the two external terms of the ratio are one-half and one-third respectively, what is the ratio____ 1/2:1/8=4/3:1/3_______ ...

Given that two numbers are coprime, their least common multiple is 90. These two numbers can be () and (), or ()
Given that two numbers are coprime, their least common multiple is 90. These two numbers can be () and (), or () and () respectively(

Given that two numbers are coprime, their least common multiple is 90. These two numbers can be (2) and (45), or (10) and (9) respectively