A and B are coprime numbers, and their greatest common factor is______ The least common multiple is______ .

A and B are coprime numbers, and their greatest common factor is______ The least common multiple is______ .

Because a and B are coprime numbers, their greatest common factor is 1 and their least common multiple is ab

The least common multiple of two coprime numbers is 143______ And______ Or______ And______ .

Let these two coprime numbers be a and B, 143 = 11 × 13, then according to the characteristics of Coprime numbers, we know that a and B have only one common factor 1, so we can divide them into two cases: (1) when a and B are both prime numbers, the least common multiple of a and B is ab = 143 = 11 × 13, and these two coprime numbers are 11 and 13. (2) when a and B are not both prime numbers, we can get these two coprime numbers are 1 and 143

The least common multiple of two primes is 91, and the sum of the two primes is______ .

Because 91 = 7 × 13, 91 has only the common factor 1, 7 and 13. The two prime numbers satisfying the condition are 7 and 13, and 7 + 13 = 20, so the answer is: 20