There are two numbers that are coprime numbers and composite numbers. Their least common multiple is 90. These two numbers are () A. 9 and 10B. 2 and 45C. 6 and 15d. 5 and 18

There are two numbers that are coprime numbers and composite numbers. Their least common multiple is 90. These two numbers are () A. 9 and 10B. 2 and 45C. 6 and 15d. 5 and 18

A. 9 and 10, these two numbers are compound numbers and coprime numbers, and their least common multiple is 90; B, 2 and 45, 2 are prime numbers and 45 are composite numbers, which do not meet the requirements; C, 6 and 15 are composite numbers, which do not meet the requirements; d.5 and 18, 5 are prime numbers, which do not meet the requirements; therefore, a

Given that the least common multiple of the number of two coprime is 105, what is the number of the two coprime?
kuai kuai kuai

There are four groups: 1 and 105, 3 and 35, 5 and 21, 7 and 15

Given that two numbers are coprime, the least common multiple 70, how many such numbers are there?

You can decompose the 70 factors first
So there are four pairs
1 and 70
2 and 35
5 and 14
7 and 10