If M is a real number, then the following numbers may not have square roots: A: | m | B: M's Square, C: M's square + 1 If M is a real number, then the following numbers may not have square roots A: | m | B: m square C: m square + 1 D: M + 100

If M is a real number, then the following numbers may not have square roots: A: | m | B: M's Square, C: M's square + 1 If M is a real number, then the following numbers may not have square roots A: | m | B: m square C: m square + 1 D: M + 100

Only nonnegative numbers have square roots, M + 100 may be negative, and ABC is nonnegative

The following numbers have no square roots: A, (- 4) &# 178; B, | - 4 | C, - (- 4) d, - (- 4) &# 178;

The answer is D, the other three are all positive numbers with square roots, only - (- 4) &# 178; = - 16, negative numbers without square roots

Observe the number in the following column:

The remainder is three
The remainder of the first six numbers are 303321, and the cycle is 66
In 1999 / 6, 1 is more than 3

Simple calculation: 7 / 13 + 7 / 13 * 25


Simple calculation of 13 × 24 × 25
How to simplify the calculation


How to calculate 26000 / (13 * 25)


Simple calculation of 1.25 × 25 × 32.32 × 69


A simple algorithm 234 × 27 × 37 =?
A simple algorithm 234 × 27 × 37 =?


Use 1, 2, 3 and 4 digital cards, and get two cards each time to form a two digit number. How many even numbers can be formed?

6, namely 12, 32, 24, 42, 14, 12

There is an even number of two digits, which can be divided by 5, and the number on his ten digits is even. How many such two digits are there? What is the smallest of them?

The number on the tens is even. It can only be 2, 4, 6 and 8
Can be divided by 5 and even number is required, indicating that each number is 0
So there are 4 * 1 = 4
The smallest is that the tens are two and the ones are zero, that is, 20