X-5 / 6 = 2 / 15

X-5 / 6 = 2 / 15

X-5 / 6 = 2 / 15
Multiply both sides by 30
29 out of 30

Solution equation: 15:75 = 2 / 3: X

15: 75 = 2 / 3: X

X + 4 / 15 = 2 / 3 to solve the equation

X+4/15=2/3 X=2/3-4/15 X=10/15-4/15 X=6/15 X=2/5

Turn a fraction into a percentage
I can't do it for a long time. I'm so angry. Help me have a look
3.60%= 0.45%=


Turn fractions into percentages, turn percentages into fractions
7 of 8 12.5% 9.8%


The difference between percentage and fraction

Percentage can only express the multiple relationship between two quantities, while fraction can express not only the relationship between quantities, but also the specific quantity

Is percentage a special fraction

Percentage is a number that represents the percentage of one number to another. It is also called percentage or percentage. Percentage is usually not written in the form of fraction, but expressed by the symbol "%" (called percentage sign). Percentage is widely used in industrial and agricultural production, science and technology, and various experiments, especially in survey, statistics, analysis and comparison, Percentages are often used
The difference between percentage and fraction
(1) The meaning is different. The percentage only represents the multiple ratio relationship of two numbers, not the unit name. The fraction can represent both the specific number and the relationship of two numbers, and can be accompanied by the unit name when representing the specific number. (2) the numerator of the percentage can be an integer or a decimal; the numerator of the fraction can not be a decimal, but only a natural number except 0; the percentage can not be reduced, And the fraction is generally divided into the simplest fraction by reduction. (3) any percentage can be written as a fraction whose denominator is 100, but the fraction whose denominator is 100 does not have the meaning of percentage. (4) different application scope, percentage is often used for investigation, statistics, analysis and comparison in production and life, while fraction is often used when the result is less than integer in calculation and measurement
What is the use of editing this paragraph
Generally, there are two kinds of percentage: ① more than 100%, such as growth rate, yield increasing rate, etc.; ② less than 100%, such as germination rate, growth rate, etc
The significance of percentage in this paragraph
The percentage can only express the percentage, not the unit. Although the denominator of the percentage is 100, the numerator can be greater than 100. For example, 200% represents twice the original number. For example, if a company's net profit last year was 1 million yuan, and this year's net profit is 1.2 million yuan, it can be expressed as "this year's net profit is 20% higher than that of last year", or "this year's net profit is 120% higher than that of last year", However, it is seldom used in this way. Sometimes percentage may cause misunderstanding. Many people think that an increase in percentage will be offset by the same decrease in percentage. For example, an increase of 50% from 100 is equal to 100 + 50, that is 150. A decrease of 50% from 150 is 150-75, The final result is less than the original number of 100. The numerator of percentage can also be a decimal. The formation of the concept of percentage should be based on the examples of students' real life or industrial and agricultural production. For example, there are 100 students in grade one, 47 of whom are female students. Female students account for 47% of the total number of students in grade one and 47% in writing, Among them, there are 100 female students, accounting for 50% of the total number of students in the whole grade. In these two examples, the number of students in the two grades is "standard quantity", while the number of female students is "comparative quantity". In the teaching of percentage application problems, we should grasp the quantitative relationship of comparative quantity / standard quantity = percentage (percentage) to analyze
Edit the daily application of this paragraph
Every day in the TV weather forecast program, we will report the weather conditions and precipitation probability of that night and tomorrow's day, and remind everyone to make preparations in advance. For example, the precipitation probability of today's night is 20%, there will be a gale of force 5-6 tomorrow's day, and the precipitation probability is 10%. We should add clothes sooner or later. 20% and 10% are clear and concise, Nowadays, every middle-aged person is equipped with a mobile phone with a variety of styles. Research by Glen Wilson, a psychologist at the Royal College of London University, has proved that reading text messages all the time will lead to low work efficiency, and the brain reaction ability of staff will also slow down. The number of people who often read text messages will drop by 10%, which proves once again that mobile phones provide convenience for people, China is the world's largest producer of energy-saving lamps, but 80% of the products are exported, and the domestic consumption is seriously low. In 2001, 47.1% of the college students who signed up for the contract made a monthly salary of less than 1500 yuan. According to an online survey, 85.63% of the Internet users have not read any famous works in recent years, 8.98% of the netizens have never read a famous book in the past ten years, and 6.75% of the netizens have never read a famous book
Edit this paragraph extension
A number that represents the thousandth of a number is called a thousandth fraction. A thousandth fraction is also called a thousandth percentage. Like a percentage, a thousandth fraction also has a thousandth sign (that is, ‰). A thousandth fraction is similar to a percentage, but the thousandth fraction is a thousand and the percentage is 100

What is the relationship between fraction and percentage

Percentage [application] [percentage and the meaning of fraction] the meaning of percentage and fraction is not exactly the same. Fraction can express a few percent of a number in unit one, and it can also express a quantity. Percentage can't express a number. Therefore, percentage can't have a unit

Percentage to fraction
500% 10%


Decimal with fraction

Three and three fifths, for example
To the left of the fraction, keep the integer, 3
The fraction on the right is reduced to a decimal, and the numerator is divided by the denominator, that is, 3 is divided by 5 to get 0.6
The sum of integers and decimals is 3.6
In this way, the same can be converted to other band scores