Xiao Ming averaged 10 numbers, 11 numbers, 12 numbers and 2 numbers (10 numbers plus the average) five times. The average of the fifth time is 23. The average of the original 10 numbers is?

Xiao Ming averaged 10 numbers, 11 numbers, 12 numbers and 2 numbers (10 numbers plus the average) five times. The average of the fifth time is 23. The average of the original 10 numbers is?

23. The average is not affected by the average

C language: input an array containing 5 numbers to calculate the average

double sum=0,a[5];
for(int i=0,i

If a is a positive number, a is greater than zero, if a is a negative number, negative a is greater than zero, if negative a is a positive number, a is greater than zero, if negative a is a negative number, a is greater than zero

If negative a is positive, a is greater than zero
It's wrong

Is 0 neither negative nor integer,

0 is neither positive nor negative, but 0 is an integer

All negative integers greater than - 3 are all integers less than 4 and not negative

(1) -2 -1
(2)0 1 2 3

If AB < 0, then the value of AB ()
A. Is a positive number B. is a negative number C. is a non positive number D. is a non negative number

∵ ab < 0, a is different from B, and the value of ∵ AB is negative

If a < 0, B < 0, and | a | B |, then a + (- b) must be ()
A. Positive number B. negative number C. 0d. Uncertainty

∵ a < 0, B < 0, and | a | > | B |, | - B > 0, | a | > | - B |, | a + (- b) < 0

-A must be ()
A. Positive number B. negative number C. positive or negative number D. positive or zero or negative number

① If a < 0, then - A is a positive number; if a = 0, then - a = 0; if a > 0, then - A is a positive number

Given that - 3a is a negative number, then () A.A 〉 0 B.A 〈 0 C. is greater than or equal to d.0, greater than or equal to a

Because - 3A < 0
So a ≠ 0
So a < 0

What's the difference between being greater than or equal to zero and being nonnegative?

Is it greater than or equal to 0, or greater than and equal to?
If it is greater than or equal to 0, then it may be equal to 0
If it is greater than or equal to 0, then it cannot be 0