Real number calculation (1)2√3+(3√2-2√3) (2) #179; √ 3-2 + #179; √ 3-1

Real number calculation (1)2√3+(3√2-2√3) (2) #179; √ 3-2 + #179; √ 3-1

{ 3-2 + 3-1 = 2 - { 179; { 3 + { 179; { 3-1 = 1

Operation of real number
(√ 5 - √ 2) square=

√3(√3-1)= =3-√3
The question is not clear
√2-5√1/2+√32= √2-5√2/2+√(16*2)=(5√2)/2
(√ 5 - √ 2) square = 5 + 2 + √ 10
(√6-√2)(√2+√6)= 6-2=4
√12*√6/√2= √(2×6)*√6/√2=6

Keep 2 decimal places
Radical 5 + 3 radical 2 - π + 0.11
One third root 3 - one second root 2 - one fifth root 5

Radical 5 + 3 radical 2 - π + 0.11 = √ 5 + 3 √ 2 - π + 0.11 = 3.45
One third root 3 - one second root 2 - one fifth root 5 = √ 3 / 3-0.5 - √ 2 - √ 5 / 5 = -1.78

1. Positive and negative numbers:____ Zero numbers are called positive numbers____ A number with zero is called a negative number, and zero is neither____ Not really____ .

Positive and negative numbers:__ Greater than__ Zero numbers are called positive numbers__ Less than__ A number with zero is called a negative number, and zero is neither_ Negative number___ Not really__ Positive number__ .

If B is negative, then in a, A-B, a + B, the largest number is ----- and the smallest number is--------

Maximum A-B,
Minimum a + B

If a is the smallest nonnegative number and the opposite number of B is the largest negative integer, then A-B = ()

If a is the smallest nonnegative number, then a = 0
If the opposite number of B is the largest negative integer, then B = 1

If a is the smallest nonnegative number and B is the largest positive integer, then A-B = ()

If a is the smallest nonnegative number and B is the largest positive integer, then A-B = (- 1)

3x + 5 / 2 = 2x-1 / 3, how to get the denominator, use the equation solution, can you tell me?

3x + 5 / 2 = 2x-1 / 3 multiply by 6

The denominator of equation 2 (x + 1) 0.02 = 1.6 is changed into an integer___ .

The denominator of equation 2 (x + 1) 0.02 = 1.6 is changed into an integer, and 200 (x + 1) 2 = 85

The denominator of equation 0.3x + 0.1/0.2 - x-0.5/0.3 = 1 is changed into an integer, and______ It's based on______ .
This is the sixth grade under a dollar, ask for an answer

3x + 1 / 2-x-5 / 3 = 1, the numerator and denominator of fraction expand or shrink at the same time, the same multiple (non-0) score value remains unchanged