What's the difference between the product of prime numbers within 10 plus the smallest two digits and subtracting the smallest two digits and subtracting the smallest three digits

What's the difference between the product of prime numbers within 10 plus the smallest two digits and subtracting the smallest two digits and subtracting the smallest three digits


If a, B, C are all prime numbers, where a is the smallest, and a + B + C = 44, AB + 3 = C, then AB + C=______ .

∵ a, B, C are all prime numbers, and a + B + C = 44, where a is the smallest, ∵ a = 2, according to the meaning of the problem, there are 2 + B + C = 442b + 3 = C, the solution is b = 13C = 29, ∵ ab + C = 2 × 13 + 29 = 55

Three prime numbers a, B, C, AB + BC = 221, then what is a + B + C equal to?
Hurry up

So B = 13 or 17
If B = 13
Then a + C = 15, then a and C are odd even
Suppose a is even, then a = 2
C = 15, not prime
If B = 17
Then a + C = 13
So a + B + C = 2 + 17 + 11 = 30