What are the prime numbers within 20? What is the meaning of prime numbers?

What are the prime numbers within 20? What is the meaning of prime numbers?

Prime number (also called prime number) 2. A prime number is such an integer that it can not be expressed as the product of any other two integers except itself and 1. For example, 15 = 3 * 5, so 15 is not a prime number; for another example, 12 = 6 * 2 = 4 * 3, so 12 is not a prime number. On the other hand, 13 is equal to 13 * 1

What are the prime numbers in 20?


What's the difference between prime numbers and prime numbers?
In my impression, prime numbers are numbers that can't be divisible by other numbers except 1 and itself. But what is prime number? For example, decomposing prime factor, 90 = 2 * 3 * 3 * 5, is that all prime numbers?

It's the same, but the address is different. Usually prime numbers are used more in scientific language, and prime numbers are used more in colloquial language