a. B and C are three prime numbers within 100. How many different equations make a + B = C hold?

a. B and C are three prime numbers within 100. How many different equations make a + B = C hold?

2 is the only even number in prime numbers, the others are odd; odd + odd = even; odd + even = odd; so one of the addends must be 2; then find out the case that the difference between two prime numbers is 2
The formula is as follows:
There are eight groups
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The sum of three prime numbers a, B and C is 100. What is the minimum product of these three prime numbers?

Prime numbers within 100 are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97
Because everything except 2 is odd, so if you want to add it to 100, it must contain 2
The other two are 98
19 and 79, 31 and 67, 37 and 61,
The minimum multiplication is 19 * 79
So the product of three numbers is 2 * 19 * 79 = 3002

Three prime numbers a, B, C and 1

a=1 b=2 c=3
They are all prime numbers, b > 1