How to compare the absolute value

How to compare the absolute value

It goes without saying that positive numbers, such as | 1 | and | 2 | compare 1

Absolute value ratio size
It's the difference between using - 9, - 6 ratio and using | - 9 |, | - 6 |,
What if it's an integer and a negative number?

Children, adding absolute value sign means to remove all negative signs in front of the number, turn it into a positive number (the positive number remains unchanged), and then compare the size. Of course, it is | - 9 | > | - 6 |. Because 9 > 6
The ratio of positive numbers to negative numbers is, of course, larger than negative ones
For example, I have 3 yuan, you have - 3 yuan (owe others 3 yuan), of course, I have more money than you~

Compare size (use absolute value to compare and write process)

If two numbers are negative, the larger the absolute value is, the smaller the absolute value is. For example, - 2 and - 3 = = | - 2 | - 3
If two numbers are positive, the greater the absolute value is, the greater the absolute value is. For example, 2 and 3 = = = = = | 2 | < | 3 | = = = = 2

If we know that the absolute value of double a minus 1 + four times b minus 4 is equal to zero, then how many are a and B equal

A equals 1 / 2, B equals 1

Known proposition: the square root of a nonnegative number is nonnegative. Write its inverse proposition, no proposition and inverse no proposition

Proposition: the square root of a nonnegative number is nonnegative
Inverse proposition: the number whose square root is nonnegative is nonnegative
No proposition: the square root of a number that is not nonnegative is not nonnegative
Inverse negative proposition: the number whose square root is not a non negative number is not a non negative number

The negative proposition of "if a number is negative, then its square is positive" is true______ Proposition (fill in true or false)

If a number is negative, then its square is positive. "The inverse proposition is: if the square of a number is positive, then the number is negative, which is a false proposition, and the inverse proposition and the negative proposition of the proposition are opposite to each other, true and false are the same, so we can know whether the proposition is false, so the answer is: false

The square of any real number is nonnegative Then Write the negative proposition of the proposition in the form of

If the square of a number is negative, then the number is not real

Two numbers with equal absolute values are opposite to each other. If wrong, where is wrong
But can you give me an example

Because when two numbers are equal, the absolute value is equal, so it is wrong
Opposite: it is right that the absolute values of opposite numbers are equal

Is it right or wrong that the absolute values of two opposite rational numbers are equal

Yes. There is no example to reverse. For example, the opposite number of 0 and 0 or zero, the absolute value is also zero. For example, positive number, example 2, the opposite number is - 2, the absolute value of both of them is also two. For example, negative number, such as - 9, the opposite number is 9! What about the absolute value? It's also 9. What's the problem?

Is it right or wrong that the absolute values of two opposite numbers are equal?
