What is the probability that all three digits can be divided by 3 or 5?

What is the probability that all three digits can be divided by 3 or 5?

There are 900 numbers from 100 to 999, among which 300 numbers can be divided by 3 (900 / 3 = 300, every three consecutive numbers have and only one can be divided by 3, the same below), 900 / 5 = 180 numbers can be divided by 5, 900 / 15 = 60 numbers can be divided by 15, so 300 + 180-60 = 420 numbers can be divided by 3 or 5 (among 300 numbers that can be divided by 3, there are also numbers that can be divided by 5, 180 numbers that can be divided by 5 also have numbers that can be divided by 3, So if you add the two, the number that can be divided by both 3 and 5 - that is, the number that can be divided by 15 - is calculated once more and subtracted). The probability is 420 / 900 = 7 / 15

From 100101102 If you take any integer from 200, the probability that the number can be divided by 4 is?

To tell you how to do it, you should multiply 4 by a certain number, starting from 4x25 = 100 to 4x50 = 200, so there are 26 numbers between 25 and 50, so the probability is 26 / 101

What is the probability that an integer between 0 and 100 can be divided by 7?

For integers within 100, there are 7,14,21,28,35,42,49,56,63,70,77,84,91,98 divisible by 7, totally 14
So the probability of being divisible by 7 is 14 / 101

Four students do the addition and subtraction exercise: write a six digit number at will, take its one digit number (not 0) to the left of the leftmost digit, get a new six digit number, and then add it with the original six digits. The answers they get are: 172536, 568741, 620708, 845267?

If the first five digits of the six digits are a and the single digit is B, then:
The sum of the two six digits is (10a + b) + (100000b + a) = 11a + 100001b = 11 (a + 9091b),
It's a multiple of 11,
So only 620708 may be correct