It is known that M minus 1 power of equation 4x plus 1 minus 2n power of equation 2Y is equal to 10, which is a binary linear equation about X and Y. how to find the value of M and N?

It is known that M minus 1 power of equation 4x plus 1 minus 2n power of equation 2Y is equal to 10, which is a binary linear equation about X and Y. how to find the value of M and N?

It's a quadratic equation of two variables
So M-1 = 1, M = 2
1-2n =1 n=0

Find the expression of the intersection point of the linear function y = KX + B parallel to the line y = - 2 / 3x + 1 / 2 and the line 3x-2y-1 = 0 on the Y axis! 1

The linear function y = KX + B is parallel to the line y = - 2 / 3x + 1 / 2
The intersection of 3x-2y-1 = 0 is on the Y axis
Let x = 0 give y = - 1 / 2
Y = - 2 / 3x + B
So find the line y = - 2 / 3x-1 / 2

The quadratic equation 3x-2y = 1 is transformed into a linear function y =. The intersection coordinates of the line and the X axis are (), and the intersection coordinates of the line and the Y axis are ()

The linear function is y = (3x-1) / 2,
When y = 0, x = 1 / 3, so it is (1 / 3,0)
When x = 0, y = - 1 / 2, so it is (0, - 1 / 2)

1. It is known that the two of x ^ 2-x-1 = 0 are a and B. we do not understand the equation and solve the quadratic equation of one variable so that the two of them are respectively a / 1 (one part of a) + B / 1 (one part of B) to find (a + 2) (B + 2)
2. The equation x ^ 2 + (2k + 1) x + K ^ 2 + 3 = 0 has two unequal real roots, and the sum of the two roots plus 19 is equal to the product of the two roots, so we can find the value of K

Let 1 / A + 1 / b = (a + b) / A * b = - 1, (1 / a) (1 / b) = 1 / (a * b) = - 1. Let x ^ 2 + X-1 = 0 (a + 2) (B + 2) = a * B + 2 (a + b) + 4 = 52. Let two roots be X1 and X2 respectively, △ = 4k-11 > 0

1. Verification: the value of the algebraic formula - 12x ^ 2-3x-5 is always negative
2. A, B and C are not equal to each other. To prove that the equation (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + C ^ 2) x ^ 2 + 2 (a + B + C) x + 3 = 0 about X has no real root
3. A and B are two (1) proofs of the equation x ^ 2-x-1 = 0: A ^ 2 = a + 1 (2) find the value of a ^ 2 + B
6: Close before 00
Please help me

1. Proof: - 12x ^ 2-3x-5
When x = - 1 / 8, the maximum value of the function is - 77 / 160 (B-C) ^ 2 > 0 (a-b) ^ 2 > 0
So 4 (a + B + C) ^ 2-12 (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + C ^ 2)

If the radius of a bacterium is 4 × 10 to the - 5th Power M, it can be expressed as___ m

Introduction to scientific notation
In the form of power, sometimes it is convenient to express some large numbers encountered in daily life. For example, the speed of light is about 300 000 m / S; the population of the world is about 6.1 million, which is often seen in physics
Such a large number is very inconvenient to read and write. Considering that the power of 10 has the following characteristics:
The second power of 10 = 100, the third power of 10 = 1000, the fourth power of 10 = 10 000
In general, the n-th power of 10 has n zeros after 1, so we can use the power of 10 to express some large numbers, such as:
6 100 000 = 6.1 × 1 000 000 = 6.1 × 10
Any non-zero real number to the power of 0 is equal to 1
When there is a negative integer exponential power, the positive number less than 1 can also be expressed by scientific notation. For example, the negative 5th power of 0.00001 = 10, that is, the positive number less than 1 can also be expressed by scientific notation as the negative nth power of a multiplied by 10, where a is a positive number with only one digit and N is a positive integer
The scientific counting method is to express a number as the n-th power of a × 10 (1 ≤ a)

Each liter of a certain liquid contains 10 bacteria to the 12th power, and a drop of a certain bactericide can kill 10 bacteria to the 9th power,
Now, how many drops of this bactericide are needed to kill the harmful bacteria in 3L of this kind of liquid? If 10 drops of this bactericide is the negative cubic liter of 10, how many liters are needed?

The 12th power of 10 × 3L △ the 9th power of 10 = the 3rd power of 3 × 10
Cubic drop of 3 × 10 △ negative cubic rise of 10 × 10 = 0.3L

The radius of a certain bacterium is 6 * 10 cm to the - 5th power. If the bacterium is approximately spherical, put the bacterium on a 5 * 10 cm to the - 2nd power
How many of these bacteria can be placed in a cube container?
The volume of the ball = 4 / 3 of the power of π R. kneel down and ask the big hand for help. Don't copy and paste the answer! Use the scientific counting method to express it
Don't sink

The idea is: the volume of cube container △ the volume of bacteria
The third power of (5 * 10 to the power of - 2) / {4 / 3 · π (6 * 10 to the power of - 5)} ≈ 1.38 × 10 to the power of 8

Every liter of a liquid contains 10 harmful bacteria to the 12th power. In order to test the effect of a certain bactericide, scientists carried out experiments and found that a drop of bactericide can kill 10 harmful bacteria to the 9th power. How many drops of this bactericide are needed to kill all harmful bacteria in a liter of liquid?

1000 drops. The 12th power of 10 is divided by the 9th power of 10 to get the 3rd power of 10, which is 1000 drops

If the number of E. coli is 1.0 * 10 to the fourth power in 50 minutes of logarithmic phase and 1.0 * 10 to the eleventh power in 450 minutes of culture, the propagation rate can be calculated
Which God helped to write the calculation answer and formula

Let X be the propagation rate (i.e. the number of minutes needed to propagate a generation), then (1 * 10 ^ 4) * 2 ^ (400 / x) = 1 * 10 ^ 11, and it takes about 17 minutes to solve X