If the absolute value of a / a = - 1, then the value range of a is () A、a<0 B、a≤0 Ca≥0 D、a>0

If the absolute value of a / a = - 1, then the value range of a is () A、a<0 B、a≤0 Ca≥0 D、a>0

If the absolute value of a / a = - 1, then the value range of a is (select a)
Absolute value of a 0 a / a = 1

The absolute value of A-1 = 1-A, then the value range of a

The absolute value of A-1 is 1-A
So A-1 ≤ 0
So a ≤ 1

The absolute value of a / a = - 1, then the value range of a is

Absolute value of a / a = - 1
A is a negative number

Given that 2 times the m power of 8 times the m power of 16 = 36 power of 2, find the value of M

Therefore, left formula = 2 ^ (1 + 3M + 4m) = right formula
Then: 1 + 3M + 4m = 36

According to Yang Hui's trigonometric calculation: (a + b) ^ 4 and (a + b) ^ 5

(a + b) [(8308); (a + b) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\838383838330838383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383838383838308;;;;;; bis arranged in ascending order

The fourth power of 5.01 × 10, how many digits?

The fourth power of 10 is ten thousand
The number of decimal places is 50000
So 0 is a thousand
One is a hundred
So it's accurate to a hundred

How to read numbers in English
Is there any difference between the reading method of year 1050 and that of number 1050? For example, how to read 1050 and 1050 respectively? The writing is correct!

The year 1050 is pronounced as "one thousand and fifty" and the number 1050 is pronounced the same as the above one. This is because this year is more special, which is the whole thousand plus a fraction

How to read English numbers
Please listen to the diving broadcast for a few days. I found that the announcer read 7.5 as seven and half. I want to know whether this pronunciation is right or wrong. If it is right, is the pronunciation of seven point five right or wrong, or both?

It's OK, except that seven and a half are formal, and seven point five is not so formal. It's usually a mathematical problem

How to expand f (x) = (1-cosx) / x into a power series of X
The answer is ∑ (- 1) ^ n * T ^ 2N-1 / (2n)!
I don't understand the process very well. Please give me some advice

Cosx starts with
cosx = 1+ Σ(-1)^(n+1) x^(2n)/(2n)!
So 1-cosx = ∑ (- 1) ^ n x ^ (2n) / (2n)!
Then divide by X, the original formula = ∑ (- 1) ^ n x ^ (2n-1) / (2n)!

Expanding function 1 / x2 into a power series of (1-x)

Is it like this: 1 / X & # 178; expand into (1-x) 1 / X & # 178; = [- 1 / x] '- - the key of this step = [1 / (1 - x + 1)]' has been used to: 1 / (1 + T) = ∑ (- 1) ^ k * T ^ k = [1 - (1-x) + (1-x) &# 178; - (1-x) &# 179; +.] '= 1 - 2 (1