It is known that the solution of the system of equations ax + ay = 5, cx-2by = 8 is x = 5, y = - 3. A classmate misread the value of C, and the solution is x = - 3, y = 3. Try to determine the value of a, B, C

It is known that the solution of the system of equations ax + ay = 5, cx-2by = 8 is x = 5, y = - 3. A classmate misread the value of C, and the solution is x = - 3, y = 3. Try to determine the value of a, B, C

X = 5, y = - 3 progression equation
5a-3b=5 5c+6b=8
X = - 3, y = 3
-3a+3b=5 -3c‘-6b=8
From 5a-3b = 5 and - 3A + 3B = 5, a = 5 and B = 20 / 3 are obtained
Substitute B = 20 / 3 into 5C + 6B = 8 to get C = - 32 / 5
Can it solve your problem?

The solution of the system of equations ax + by = 5 cx-2by = 8 is x = 5 y = - 3

Because ax + by = 5, the solution of cx-2by = 8 is x = 5, y = - 3
5a-3b=5 5c+6b=8
Another person misread C. the solution is x = - 3, y = 3, which does not affect the first equation
So - 3A + 3B = 5
So a = 5, B = 20 / 3
So C = - 32 / 5
Hope to help you

It is known that the solution of the system of equations ax + by = 13, CX + 5Y = 17 should be x = 2, y = 3. A classmate mistook C and got x = 5, y = 1 to find the value of a, B, C

Analysis: because the positive solutions of the equations ax + by = 13, CX + 5Y = 17 are x = 2, y = 3, there are 2A + 3B = 13 (1) and 2C + 15 = 17, that is, C = 1, and some student misunderstood C, and the solution is x = 5, y = 1. It is easy to know that x = 5, y = 1 are also a positive solution of the equation AX + by = 13

A barrel of oil 360 kg, the first day to use a third, the second day to use a quarter, which day to use more? How much more?

Dosage on the first day: 360 * 1 / 3 = 120 (kg)
Dosage on the second day: (360-360 * 1 / 3) * 1 / 4 = 60 (kg)
First day dosage - second day dosage = 120-60 = 60 (kg)
The first day with more, more than 60 kg

The canteen brought in a batch of rice. Three fifths of the rice consumed was less than 60 kg. At this time, 360 kg was left. How many kg was this batch of rice?

Suppose this batch of rice is x kg
According to the meaning of the title, yes
It is concluded that 3 / 5x = 420
The solution is x = 700
So this batch of rice is 700 kg

A hundred orchards brought in 360 kg of apples, and sold a quarter of them in the morning and a third in the afternoon. How many kg of apples are sold in the morning?
How many kilos of apples do you sell in the afternoon?

From the days 20 years ago, the number of kilos sold in the morning: 360 * 1 / 4 = 90
Kilogram sold in the afternoon: 360 * 1 / 3 = 120
Extended if the remaining one-third is sold in the afternoon, the kilogram sold in the afternoon is 90 * 1 / 3 = 30 (in order to promote market economy)
It's better to sell one third of the total


9N square-18n = 100n-18
9N square - 118N + 18 = 0
N = (118 + radical 13276) / 18 or (118 radical 13276) / 18
It's very hard to count. Let's give it points



(n-2)180°=6×360° n=?


3 * 2 ^ (n + 1) = 360 for n
Answer: 2 + log2 5

2+log2 15