The basis for solving the equation, for example: subtraction equals subtraction of the subtracted

The basis for solving the equation, for example: subtraction equals subtraction of the subtracted

The solution of the equation is based on the basic properties of the equation
1. If both sides of the equation multiply or divide by the same number that is not zero, the equation holds
2. If both sides of the equation add or subtract the same number, the equation holds
It can also be calculated according to the relationship between the four parts
One addend = and - another addend
Subtraction = subtracted difference
Subtracted = subtracted + difference
One factor = product △ the other factor
Divisor = divisor △ quotient
Divisor = divisor × quotient

The quotient of 150 and x minus 7.5 is 3 times of 12.5. X, which is more than 12. 24. X plus 9 times of him, is 12.9

The quotient of 150 and x minus 7.5 is 12.5
150=x*(7.5+12.5) x=7.5
Three times x is more than 12
3x=12+24 x=12
X plus nine times his is 12.9
x+9x=12.9 x=1.29

Four times of a number minus six times of three equals 70. What's the number?

This number = (70 + 3 × 6) △ 4 = 88 △ 4 = 22