Five times of a number minus one sixth of 120 is 35. What's the number

Five times of a number minus one sixth of 120 is 35. What's the number

Let this number be x5x-120 × 1 / 6 = 35, 5x = 35 + 20, 5x = 55, x = 11

There is a two digit number. The number on the ten digit is four times the number on the one digit. The number obtained by subtracting 54 from the two digit number is equal to the ten digit number of the two digit number

Let the tens be x and the ones be y x = 4Y 10x + y-54 = X
We can get x = 4
y= 1

A two digit number is equal to four times the sum of ten digits and one digit number. If the difference between ten digits and one digit number is four, then the two digit number is four______ .

Let the ten digits of the two digit number be x and the single digit number be y. from the meaning of the question, we get: 10x + y = 4 (x + y) y − x = 4, and the solution is: x = 4Y = 8, that is, the two digit number is 48. So the answer is: 48