7/10×9+7/10=? (2/3+4/9)×18=? 97×5/96=? (2/7+1/3)×3×7=? To calculate (a process) with a simple method

7/10×9+7/10=? (2/3+4/9)×18=? 97×5/96=? (2/7+1/3)×3×7=? To calculate (a process) with a simple method

1. The original formula = 7 / 10 × [1 + 9] = 7
2. The original formula is 2 / 3 × 18 + 4 / 9 × 18 = 12 + 8 = 20
3. Unknown

1. 5 / 18 of a number is 5, and 7 / 9 of the number is () a, 11 b, 10 C, 9 D, 14
2. The road construction team has built a 480 meter long highway, 60% of which has been completed. How many meters are left to be completed
3. The edge length of a cube is 8 cm. If we increase the edge length by 1 / 4, we can get a new cube. What is the surface area and volume of the new cube
4. Xiaoqiang and Xiaoyong collected a total of 225 waste batteries. The number of waste batteries collected by Xiaoyong was four times that of Xiaoqiang. How many waste batteries did Xiaoqiang collect

4. Setting: Xiaoqiang collected x waste batteries;

In the parallelogram ABCD, the value of ﹥ A: ﹥ B: ﹥ C: ﹥ D can be ()
A. 1:2:3:4B. 3:4:4:3C. 3:3:4:4D. 3:4:3:4

According to the fact that the two groups of diagonals of the parallelogram are equal, we can choose D