If two numbers are multiplied, if one factor increases by 0.6, the product increases by 4.8; if the other factor decreases by 0.3, the product decreases by 1.8 I didn't learn X

If two numbers are multiplied, if one factor increases by 0.6, the product increases by 4.8; if the other factor decreases by 0.3, the product decreases by 1.8 I didn't learn X

Let one factor be a and the other be B, then according to the meaning of the question, we know that (a + 0.6) B = AB + 4.8 leads to B = 8A (b-0.3) = ab-1.8 leads to a = 6, so a = 6, B = 8, the original product is 48

How many zeros are at the end of the product obtained by multiplying 50 natural numbers 1-50?

Just figure out how many factors are five
2 * 5 + 2 = 12 (25 and 50 each more than 1 5)

From natural numbers 1,2,3 What is the number at the end of the product?

First of all, we need to understand that the final ending number is the end number of the product of all the preceding numbers. So if there is a number with the end o, the final result must be 0.1 to 50, with a total of 50 numbers, Except for the numbers 10 20 30 40 50, if there is 5 15 25 35 45, obviously it is easy to multiply the even mantissa number to get mantissa 0, while 10 20 30 40 50 5 15 25 35 45 has 0 numbers, so the final result is 0,