From 51 to 100, choose any 27 numbers, and the sum of two numbers must be equal to 152. Why

From 51 to 100, choose any 27 numbers, and the sum of two numbers must be equal to 152. Why

Divide the 50 numbers into groups
{51}{52,100}{53,99}{54,98}{55,97}…… {74,78}{75,77}{76}
A total of 26 groups
If you choose 27 numbers, there must be a group with 2 numbers
The sum of those two numbers is 152

There are 1, 2, 3 In this group of continuous natural numbers, a and B count in turn, and each person can only cross out three consecutive natural numbers at a time. If the other person does not have a continuous number to row, he will win. Does a have a winning strategy?

If a must win, there must be only one group of 8 consecutive natural numbers or even group of 3-5 consecutive natural numbers at the last stroke of B
If you cross out three numbers at a time, you can do up to seven numbers. It's easiest to do one or two numbers, or you can do none of them
There should be more than one set of answers. It's OK to draw a symmetrical affirmative

If the sum of two continuous natural numbers is multiplied by their difference, the product is 51______ .

The difference between the sum of two continuous natural numbers multiplied by them is 1. According to the meaning of multiplication, the sum of them is 51. If the large number of the two numbers is (51 + 1) △ 2 = 26, then the other number is 51-26 = 25