If three points P (1,1) a (2, - 4) B (x, - 9) are collinear, then x=___ ?

If three points P (1,1) a (2, - 4) B (x, - 9) are collinear, then x=___ ?

Let's do it with vectors
Vector PA = (1, - 5)
Vector, - 10 = (x)
The vector PA is parallel (that is, collinear) to the vector Pb
Get: X-1 = 2 (2 = - 10 divided by - 5 multiplied by 1, just like scaling)
X = 3
If you don't feel bored, set "in" (that's nanmu DA)

Given that a, B and P are collinear, O is any point in the plane, if OP = λ OA + 2ob, then the value of real number λ is

The result is: λ = - 1

If three points a (0,4) B (4, x) C (x, 52) are known to be collinear, then the real number x=

If three points are collinear, then AB vector and AC vector are collinear, AB vector = (x, 48) AC vector = (x-4, 52-x) collinear, then x / x-4 = 48 / (52-x) 52x-x = 48x - 192, x-4x-192 = 0 (x + 12) (x-16) = 0, so x = - 12 or x = 16