LIM (x / 2) ^ (x / X-2). X tends to 2! Question 2: LIM (e ^ (x) - 1 / x). X tends to 0 I'm very weak on limits

LIM (x / 2) ^ (x / X-2). X tends to 2! Question 2: LIM (e ^ (x) - 1 / x). X tends to 0 I'm very weak on limits

(1)L =lim(x->2 ) (x/2)^( x/(x-2) )lnL =lim(x->2 ) xln(x/2) /(x-2) (0/0)=lim(x->2 ) [ ln(x/2) + 1 ]= 1L =e^0=1ielim(x->2 ) (x/2)^( x/(x-2) ) =1(2)lim(x->0) (e^(x)- 1 )/x (0/0)=lim(x->0) e^x=1

How to solve LIM (x tends to 0) (cos3x-cos5x) / x ^ 2?

The molecule is transformed into cos (4x-x) - cos (4x + x) =... = 8cosx * cos2x * SiNx * SiNx
The ultimate limit is 8

Lim x → 0 (a ^ x-1) / x =? Why is the answer LNA?
Lim x → 0 (a ^ x-1) / x =? Why is the answer LNA?

If (1) f (x) and f (x) tend to zero when x → a; (2) f '(x) and f' (x) exist and f '(x) ≠ 0 in the centreless neighborhood of point a; (3) Lim f' (x) / F '(x) exists (or is infinite) when x → a, then Lim f (x) / F (x) = Lim f' (x) / F '(x)