Einstein commented on Madame Curie's sentence

Einstein commented on Madame Curie's sentence

Of all the world famous figures, Mary Curie is the only one who has not been spoiled by fame

Who can tell me the poem about struggling and never giving up? It can be used to describe Madame Curie
Not famous sayings, but Chinese Poems (ancient prose)

A drop of water penetrates a stone, and everything works naturally
If you persevere, you will never break rotten wood
Foreigner: there are those who are happy, but they don't know what to say and what to do. (praise Madame Curie for her love of Science)
When the Spring Cicada dies, the wax torch turns to ashes and tears begin to dry

What are Madame Curie's scientific achievements? It's better to have more than one~

There are: the discovery of the element radium. And the discovery of uranium also has her credit

What other important scientific achievements does Madame Curie have
In addition to "proving the existence of radioactive elements and separating them", take one or two examples

She won the Nobel Prize twice in her life (the first Nobel Prize in physics and the second Nobel Prize in Chemistry). She spent several years in the process of studying radium. As an outstanding scientist, Madame Curie had a social influence that ordinary scientists did not have. Her model inspired many people
Come to Paris University by hard work
Indifferent to fame and wealth
Madame Curie is famous all over the world, but she neither seeks fame nor profits. She won 10 prizes, 16 medals and 107 honorary titles in her life, but she didn't care at all. One day, a friend of hers came to her house and suddenly saw her little daughter playing with the gold medal just given to her by the Royal Society, so she said in surprise: "Madame Curie, It's a great honor to get a medal from the Royal Society of England. How can you play for your children? "Mrs. Curie said with a smile." I want my children to know from childhood that honor is like a toy. They can only play. They should never pay too much attention to it, or they will accomplish nothing. "
A good goddaughter
Madame Curie has two daughters. "Grasping the age advantage of intellectual development" is an important "secret" for Madame Curie to develop her children's intelligence. As early as when her daughter was under one year old, Madame Curie guided her children to carry out children's intellectual gymnastics training. She guided them to contact strangers extensively, go to the zoo to watch animals, let them learn to swim and enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature, She taught them to do a kind of intellectual gymnastics with artistic color, and taught them to sing children's songs and tell fairy tales. When they were older, they taught their children intellectual training, literacy, piano playing, handmade and so on, as well as driving and riding
Madame Curie discussed with her friends, who were like her, professors of salborne; they were like her, parents. At the instigation of Madame Curie, there was an educational cooperation program, in which some talented scholars gathered their children together, Madame Curie's great contribution to the field of human education lies in her cooperation with a large number of scientists (many of whom are Nobel laureates) to form a scientific lecturer group, opening their laboratories to children, conducting scientific enlightenment education for their children, stimulating their interest in science, and breaking their sense of mystery about science, To cultivate children's interest in science, encourage them to set up lofty scientific ideals, strengthen their scientific will, and teach them scientific methods, scientific thinking, and experimental know-how, so that they can form a high intellectual potential in their youth and develop their innate genetic intelligence. Madame Curie eventually trained more than 10 Nobel Prize winners
Simple life
In 1895, when Madame Curie and Pierre Curie got married, there were only two chairs in their new house, just one for each of them. Pierre Curie thought that there were too few chairs, so he suggested adding more to avoid the guests coming and having nowhere to sit. Madame Curie said, "it's good to have chairs, but the guests won't leave after they sit down. In order to have more time for research, let's forget it!"
When Madame Curie's annual salary has increased to 40000 francs, she is still "generous". Every time she comes back from abroad, she always brings back some banquet menus, because these menus are very thick and good pieces of paper, and it's very convenient to write on the back. No wonder some people say that Madame Curie is "like a poor woman in a hurry" until her death
Once, an American reporter visited Madame Curie. He went to the door of a fisherman's house in the village and asked a woman who was sitting barefoot on the stone slab at the door where Madame Curie lived. When the woman looked up, the reporter was surprised: she was Madame Curie
Moral education
Her love for her daughter is a kind of restrained love, a kind of rational love. She strictly controls her daughter's life and requires them to "be thrifty to cultivate their ambition". She teaches her daughter that "poverty is not convenient, but being rich is not necessarily a good thing. She must rely on her own strength to seek a life."
She warned her two daughters: "we shouldn't waste our life."
3. Cultivate their brave, strong, optimistic and difficult character. She often encourages her children: "we must have perseverance, especially self-confidence."
4. Educate them to love their motherland. In addition to teaching them polish, Madame Curie also infected Elena and Eve with her efforts to help the scientific development of her motherland and Polish students, especially her motherland
The weak wait for opportunity; the strong make it
Madame Curie
If we can live with our ideals, in the spirit of integrity and freedom, and with the courage and perseverance to move forward,
Honesty without self deception will surely lead to perfection
Madame Curie

How to understand Madame Curie's words
Human beings need people who have the courage to practice. They can make great gains from their work. They can not forget the welfare of the public, but also ensure their own interests. But human beings also need dreamers and selfless people who are absorbed in their career

Some people explore the future, others build the present

The reporter met Madame Curie
At least three, you learned people,

In front of the building, the reporter who is sorting out the materials meets Madame Curie in her dream

Write a few words! About Madame Curie
In real life, there are people who do harm to others by any means for their own interests. Take Madame Curie as a positive example to say a few words to these people!

When a noble figure like Madame Curie ends her life, we should not just be content to recall the contribution she has made to human beings. The significance of the first-class person to the era and historical process may be greater in moral quality than in simple intellectual achievement, They depend on character to a much greater extent than is generally believed

What are the famous words to praise Madame Curie?

Einstein once praised Madame Curie like this: "Madame Curie is rare among all famous people, who is not attracted by fame". Only in this way, her character has always been admired by the world
Einstein praised Madame Curie from the bottom of his heart as "the only one not corrupted by reputation."

Praise the description of Madame Curie's words, paragraphs, as well as Madame Curie's famous words!

Einstein once praised Madame Curie like this: "Madame Curie is rare among all famous people, who is not attracted by fame". Only in this way, her character has always been admired by the world
Einstein praised Madame Curie from the bottom of his heart as "the only one not corrupted by reputation."

On the famous words of praising Madame Curie's spirit

Einstein once praised Madame Curie like this: "among all celebrities, Madame Curie is a rare one who is not attracted by fame". Only in this way, her character has always been admired by the world. Einstein praised Madame Curie from the bottom of his heart as "the only one who has not been corrupted by fame." Einstein said: "in the case of