How many square decimeters is 3 square meters

How many square decimeters is 3 square meters

1 meter = 10 decimeters
1 meter and 178; = 100 decimeter and 178;
3 meters and 178; = 300 decimeters and 178;

1 -3 5 -7 9 -11 13
What is the law of them

(2n-1) (- 1) ^ (n-1) (n is a positive integer)


For this type of question, you can't just calculate it. You should pay attention to the characteristics of the question formula. You can see that the denominator conforms to the general formula 2N-1 (n > = 2)

Thirty two divided by four equals four

Thirty two divided by four

4.3 times 6.7 plus zero 67 times 67 minus 6.7

Original formula = 6.7 × (4.3 + 6.7-1) = 6.7 × 10 = 67

The simplification ratio is 0.25. Thank you. It's the simplification ratio

One eighth

What's 0.625 times seven sixths


Trisection of rational numbers?

By size: positive rational number, zero, negative rational number
By definition: integer, fraction

How to express rational number with descriptive method
Such as the title
But some people say that it can be expressed like this:
{x | x = P / Q, P belongs to Z, Q belongs to N +}
But I always think why P must belong to Z, can't it be reversed - P belongs to N +, Q belongs to Z?
It should be OK

0 belongs to Z, but obviously if Q belongs to Z, then q may be equal to 0, but 0 cannot be the denominator

There is a classification of numbers. Is there any difference between rational numbers and irrational numbers?

Both rational and irrational numbers are real numbers
In addition to real numbers, there are imaginary numbers