Praise Madame Curie's famous words, pay attention to praise her

Praise Madame Curie's famous words, pay attention to praise her

Einstein said excitedly and respectfully: "at the end of a noble person like Madame Curie's life, we should not just be satisfied with remembering the contribution she has made to mankind. The significance of the first-class person to the era and historical process may be greater in moral quality than in simple intellectual achievement, They depend on character to a much greater extent than is generally believed "In nearly 600 words of eulogy, Einstein only used more than 30 words to talk about Madame Curie's scientific achievements, and other words were used to praise her moral strength. It can be seen that Madame Curie not only won two Nobel prizes for her outstanding scientific contributions, leaving brilliant achievements for the world, but also her noble and upright spirit of day and month and river and land, and her pure and humble heart, What's more, it is a model of integrity that can never be forgotten by future generations. It inspires thousands of students to work hard on the thorny road of scientific exploration!

There is a famous saying or poem to summarize the beauty of Madame Curie

1. Einstein once praised Madame Curie like this: "Madame Curie is rare among all famous people, who is not attracted by fame". Only in this way, her character has always been admired by the world. Einstein praised Madame Curie from the bottom of his heart as "the only one who has not been corrupted by fame." 2

: 70m = () km 3700kg = () T 3 yuan 4 jiao = () yuan 865m2 = () m2 6.9t = () kg
: 70m = () km 3700kg = () T 3 yuan 4 jiao = () yuan 865m2 = () m2 6.9t = () kg 6050g = () kg

70m = (0.07) km
3700 kg = (3.7) t
3 yuan and 4 jiao = (3.4) yuan
865 square decimeters = (8.65) square meters
6.9 tons = (6900) kg
6050 g = (6.05) kg

Buy 3 kilograms of apples, pay 10 yuan Zhao Hui 3 yuan 4 jiao, how much is the price per kilogram of apples

3 yuan and 4 jiao = 3.4 yuan
=2 yuan

3200m = () km () m, 6050kg = () t () kg
No: 3200m = () km () m, nor 6050kg = () t = () kg

3200m = (3) km (200) m, 6050kg = (6) t (50) kg

6050 mm = () m 30 t 40 kg = () t 3.5 t = () kg


3.6 hours equals () minutes 2500 kilograms equals () tons 150 seconds equals () minutes 2040 = () kilograms () grams 230 square decimeters = () square meters
3 tons 50 kg = () tons 3 decimeters 5 cm = () decimeters 4 and 1 / 3 hours = () hours () minutes
8.04 cubic meters = () cubic meters () cubic decimeters
5.6 km2 = () ha
89m = () decimeter = () cm

6 is equal to (216) minutes
2500 kg equals (2.5) tons
150 seconds is equal to (2.5) minutes
2040 = (2) kg (40) g
230 square decimeters = (2.3) square meters
3 tons 50 kg = (3.04) tons
3 decimeter 5 cm = (3.5) decimeter
4 and 1 / 3 hours = (4) hours (20) minutes
8.04 cubic meters = (8) cubic meters (40) cubic decimeters
5.6 km2 = (560) ha
89m = (28) decimeter = (9) cm

7 hours =? Day 7 Jiao 8 min =? Yuan 45 square decimeter =? Square meter 3 kg =? Yuan?

7 hours = 0.292 days, 7 Jiao 8 min = 0.78 yuan, 45 square decimeters = 0.45 square meters, 3 kg = 3 tons

Xiao Pang forgets the decimal point when he writes a two place decimal. The integer is 63.36 more than the original decimal

I think it's 0.64

When Xiao Hu wrote a two place decimal, he forgot the decimal point. The integer he got was 63.36 more than the original decimal. He calculated the original two place decimal

Forget the point and decimal point, and the resulting integer is 100 times larger than the original decimal
The resulting integer is larger than the original decimal
100-1 = 99 Times
The original two decimal places are