The formula of the sum of two lines of data multiplication in Excel Suppose we find the sum of A1 * A2 + B1 * B2 + C1 * C2 + D1 * D2 ···· CX1 * CX2 Because there are too many multiplication numbers, is there a simple formula?

The formula of the sum of two lines of data multiplication in Excel Suppose we find the sum of A1 * A2 + B1 * B2 + C1 * C2 + D1 * D2 ···· CX1 * CX2 Because there are too many multiplication numbers, is there a simple formula?


Why is the sum formula of Excel equal to 0

Select data - click "data" in the menu bar - click "column" -- select finished

Find the reciprocal sum of the squares of n natural numbers, trouble to the next process

Finding the sum of squares of the reciprocal of natural numbers: 1 + 1 / 2 ^ 2 + 1 / 3 ^ 2 + 1 / 4 ^ 2 + Known Sinz = Z-Z ^ 3 / 3! + Z ^ 5 / 5! - Z ^ 7 / 7! + (here, n! Denotes the factorial of n) and the roots of Sinz = 0 are 0, ± π, ± 2 π So Sinz / z = 1-z ^ 2 / 3! + Z ^ 4 / 5! - Z ^ 6 / 7! + The root of ±π