Two digit numbers with six divisors are______ One

Two digit numbers with six divisors are______ One

The prime factor of a number with six divisors has the following two cases: one is that there are five identical prime factors, the other is that there are two different prime factors, one of which needs to be multiplied twice. If M is used to represent the number with six divisors, and a and B are used to represent the prime factor of M, then M = A5 or M = A2 × B, because m is a two digit number

How many factors are there in 480? What is the sum of all divisors? There are three natural numbers a * b = 6, b * C = 15, a * C = 10. What is a * b * C?

(1) The first question is about the divisor?
So there are 24 divisors, and the sum is 1512
(2) The three formulas are multiplied by each other
So ABC = 30

The minimum multiple of a number is 18. How many divisors does this number have? What is the maximum divisor of this number?

This number is 18. This number has six divisors, and the maximum divisor is 18. Because the minimum multiple of a number is itself, and the maximum divisor is itself