Net implementation of a number plus 168 is equal to the square of a positive integer, plus 100 is also equal to the square of a positive integer, how much is this number?

Net implementation of a number plus 168 is equal to the square of a positive integer, plus 100 is also equal to the square of a positive integer, how much is this number?

int i = 1;
while (true)
//You can also add a limiting condition to limit the maximum value of I. if you don't add it, you will exit the loop only when you find the number that meets the condition
double j = Math.Sqrt (i + 168);
double k = Math.Sqrt (i + 100);
If (J% 1 = = 0 & & K% 1 = = 0) / / the remainder of J and K divided by 1 is 0, that is, both J and K are integers
MessageBox.Show (i.ToString());

If 100 and 168 are added to a positive integer, two complete squares can be obtained. Then the positive integer is______ .

Let this number be n, and N + 168 = A2, N + 100 = B2, then A2-B2 = 68 = 22 × 17, that is, (a + b) (a-b) = 22 × 17. But the parity of a + B and A-B is the same, so a + B = 34, A-B = 2, then a = 18, B = 16, then n = 156. So the answer is 156

If 100 and 168 are added to a positive integer, two complete squares can be obtained. Then the positive integer is______ .

Let this number be n, and N + 168 = A2, N + 100 = B2, then A2-B2 = 68 = 22 × 17, that is, (a + b) (a-b) = 22 × 17. But the parity of a + B and A-B is the same, so a + B = 34, A-B = 2, then a = 18, B = 16, then n = 156. So the answer is 156