If the quotient of natural number a divided by natural number B is 9, then the greatest common factor of a and B is () reason

If the quotient of natural number a divided by natural number B is 9, then the greatest common factor of a and B is () reason

If the quotient of natural number a divided by natural number B is 9, then the greatest common factor of a and B is (natural number b)
Natural number a △ natural number b = 9
Natural number a = 9 × natural number B
Natural number b = natural number B

Find LIM (xlnx) (x → 0 +)

lim(xlnx) = limlnx/(1/x) (∞/∞)
= lim(1/x)/(-1/x^2) = lim(-x) = 0

lim xlnx (x->+0)

lim(x→0+) xlnx
=lim(x→0+) lnx/(1/x)
=lim(x→0+) (1/x)/(-1/x^2)
=lim(x→0+) -x