There is an operation program that can make (a + 1) ♁ B = n + 2, a ♁ (B + 1) = n-3, 1 ♁ 1 = 42009 ♁ 2009 =?

There is an operation program that can make (a + 1) ♁ B = n + 2, a ♁ (B + 1) = n-3, 1 ♁ 1 = 42009 ♁ 2009 =?

I've been thinking about this problem for a long time. Analysis: ∵ (a + 1) ⊙ B = n + 2. A ⊙ (B + 1) = n-3 ∵ (a + 1) ⊙ (B + 1) = (n + 2) - 3 = n-1 ① And a ⊙ B = n, that is, n = a ⊙ B is brought into the formula, that is, (a + 1) ⊙ (B + 1) = a ⊙ B-1, so: 2009 ⊙ 2009 = (2008 + 1) ⊙ (200

If M + 1 = n, (M and N are non-zero natural numbers), then the greatest common divisor of M and N is______ The least common multiple is______ .

Because m + 1 = n, we know that m and N are two adjacent natural numbers, they are coprime numbers, so the greatest common divisor of M and N is 1, and the least common multiple is Mn

If M and N are known to be natural numbers, and N = m + 1, m and N are known to be natural numbers, and N = m + 1, then the greatest common factor () of M and N and the smallest common multiple ()

Because n = m + 1, m n is two continuous natural numbers
The greatest common factor of continuous natural number is 1, and the least common multiple is mxn