The two adjacent natural numbers (except 0) of the judgment question (1) must be prime numbers. (2) two different prime numbers must be coprime numbers. (3) two kinds of numbers that become coprime numbers. At least one number is prime

The two adjacent natural numbers (except 0) of the judgment question (1) must be prime numbers. (2) two different prime numbers must be coprime numbers. (3) two kinds of numbers that become coprime numbers. At least one number is prime

Wrong. For example, 24 and 25 are combined numbers
2. Yes
Wrong, such as 8 and 9, but they are all combined

What are the preceding and following terms of a simplest integer ratio? 1. Integers 2. Natural numbers 3. Prime numbers 4. Coprime numbers


In the equation 3x = 10 + a about X, a is a negative integer, and the solution of this equation is a natural number. Try to find the value of a and the solution of this equation

A = negative 7, negative 4, negative 1; X = 1, 2, 3, respectively