It is known that {an} is an arithmetic sequence, A1 = 2, A2 = 3. If three numbers are inserted between every two adjacent terms to form a new arithmetic sequence with the number of the original sequence, we can find: (1) what is the 12th term of the original sequence? (2) What is the 29th item of the new sequence?

It is known that {an} is an arithmetic sequence, A1 = 2, A2 = 3. If three numbers are inserted between every two adjacent terms to form a new arithmetic sequence with the number of the original sequence, we can find: (1) what is the 12th term of the original sequence? (2) What is the 29th item of the new sequence?

(1) {an} is an arithmetic sequence, A1 = 2, A2 = 3. If three numbers are inserted between every two adjacent terms to form a new arithmetic sequence with the number of the original sequence, it can be recorded as {BN}, then {BN} is a sequence with 2 as the first term and 3 as the fifth term. Let {an} tolerance be D, and {BN} tolerance be d ', then 2 + D = 3

It is known that {an} is an arithmetic sequence, A1 = 2, A2 = 3. If three numbers are inserted between every two adjacent terms to form a new arithmetic sequence with the number of the original sequence, we can find: (1) what is the 12th term of the original sequence? (2) What is the 29th item of the new sequence?

(1) {an} is an arithmetic sequence, A1 = 2, A2 = 3. If three numbers are inserted between every two adjacent terms to form a new arithmetic sequence with the number of the original sequence, it can be recorded as {BN}, then {BN} is a sequence with 2 as the first term and 3 as the fifth term. Let {an} tolerance be D, and {BN} tolerance be d ', then 2 + D = 3

In the arithmetic sequence {an}, A1 = - 5, A2 = - 1 / 2, if a number is inserted between every two adjacent terms of the modified sequence to make it still an arithmetic sequence, a general term formula of the new arithmetic sequence is obtained

If a number is inserted between two adjacent items to make it still an arithmetic sequence, the tolerance of the new sequence is as follows: