The sum of two adjacent natural numbers is 101. How to solve these two natural numbers with the equation?

The sum of two adjacent natural numbers is 101. How to solve these two natural numbers with the equation?

If the smaller natural number is x, the larger natural number is x + 1
The solution is x = 50
So x + 1 = 51

Let a and B be two different numbers selected from the first 100 natural numbers, then what is the maximum possible value of a + BA − B______ .

A = 100, B = 99, a + BA − B = (100 + 99) / (100-99) = 199; answer: suppose that a and B are two different numbers selected from the first 100 natural numbers (except 0), then the maximum value of a + BA − B may be 199; so the answer is: 199

Let a and B be two different numbers selected from the first 100 natural numbers, then what is the maximum possible value of a + BA − B______ .

A = 100, B = 99, a + BA − B = (100 + 99) / (100-99) = 199; answer: suppose that a and B are two different numbers selected from the first 100 natural numbers (except 0), then the maximum value of a + BA − B may be 199; so the answer is: 199