There is a kind of natural number, starting from the third number, each number is just the sum of the two numbers in front of it, such as 246 347, etc

There is a kind of natural number, starting from the third number, each number is just the sum of the two numbers in front of it, such as 246 347, etc

To maximize, try to use the smallest number first, because the following numbers always get bigger. Start with the high 10
ten million one hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and fifty-eight

There is a kind of natural number, starting from the third number, each number is just the sum of the two numbers before it, until it can no longer be written, such as 246.1347, etc
What's the biggest

The maximum number of digits is required to be 10
10112358 maximum

When a natural number is multiplied by two adjacent even numbers, the difference between the two products is 200. What is the number?

The natural number n is even
The natural number n is odd