1K is equal to the 10th power of 2. How much power is 1m equal to 2? How much power is 2K equal to 2? Why? I hope I can make it clear?

1K is equal to the 10th power of 2. How much power is 1m equal to 2? How much power is 2K equal to 2? Why? I hope I can make it clear?

20 times of 1m 2
11 times of 2K 2
10 times of 1K = 1024 = 2
1m = 1024k = 1024 * 1024 = 2 20 times
11 times of 2K = 2 * 1024 = 2

If the 2K power of E is equal to 2, then what is k equal to?

e^(2k) =2

Power operation: - (a-b) 2K + 1 times (B-A) 2K times (a-b) 2k-1 (k is a positive integer)

-The 2K + 1 power of (a-b) multiplied by the 2K power of (B-A) multiplied by the 2k-1 power of (a-b)