A piece of iron wire is m decimeter long. It is used to form a square and a circle. The square area is () A. 1 / 2 B.2 times C. π / 4 D.4 π times

A piece of iron wire is m decimeter long. It is used to form a square and a circle. The square area is () A. 1 / 2 B.2 times C. π / 4 D.4 π times

Choose C
S positive = (M / 4) &# 178;
S circle = (M / 2 π) &# 178; π
S positive / s circle = (M / 4) & # 178; / [(M / 2 π) & # 178; π] = π / 4

Let the bivariate linear equation 2x-3y = 3 be expressed as y by the formula containing X
As a result, x =? Y =?, urgent


It is known that the bivariate linear equation 2x-3y = - 15.1 'denotes x with the formula containing y. 2' denotes y with the formula containing X
The quadratic equation 2x-3y = - 15 is known
1 denotes x with a formula containing y
2 denote y with a formula containing X
