Number a is 29.7 more than number B. the decimal point of number B is exactly equal to number a after moving two digits to the right. What is the sum of number a and number B

Number a is 29.7 more than number B. the decimal point of number B is exactly equal to number a after moving two digits to the right. What is the sum of number a and number B

The number of a is 29.7 more than that of B
The decimal point of number B is exactly equal to number a after moving two digits to the right. We can see that a is 100 times of number B
B = 29.7 / 99 = 0.3
A = 0.3 x 100 = 30
The sum of a and B is 30.3

Number a is 29.7 more than number B. the decimal point of number B is exactly equal to number a after moving two digits to the right. What is the sum of number a and number B?

Number B: 29.7 △ 100-1 = 29.7 △ 99 = 0.3 number A: 0.3 × 100 = 30 and: 30 + 0.3 = 30.3 answer: the sum of number a and number B is 30.3

The sum of a and B is 343.4. If the decimal point of a moves two places to the right, it is equal to B, then a is______ The number B is______ .

Suppose the number a is x, then the number B is 100x. From the meaning of the question, we can get: x + 100x = 343.4, & nbsp; 101x = 343.4, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 3.4; 100x = 100 × 3.4 = 340. Answer: the number a is 3.4, the number B is 340. So the answer is: 3.4340