The difference between two numbers B is 1.08, and the decimal point of number a moves one place to the right, which is exactly equal to number B?

The difference between two numbers B is 1.08, and the decimal point of number a moves one place to the right, which is exactly equal to number B?

The decimal point of number a moves one place to the right, which is exactly equal to number B, indicating that number B is 10 times of number a
The second number is: 1.08 △ (10-1) × 10 = 1.2

The sum of number a and number B is 18.7. The decimal point of number a moves one place to the right, which is exactly equal to number B. do you know what number a and number B are

A = 18.7 △ 0.1 + 1 = 1.7
B = 1.7x10 = 17

The sum of the two numbers a and B is 136. If the decimal point of a moves one place to the left, it is equal to 710 of B. the number a is 136______ .

Let a be x and B be 136-x. ∵ the decimal point of a number is moved to the left by one place, that is, reduced by 10 times, which can be expressed as X10