The sum of a and B is 31.24. If the decimal point of a is moved one place to the left, it is equal to B. what are the two numbers?

The sum of a and B is 31.24. If the decimal point of a is moved one place to the left, it is equal to B. what are the two numbers?

Number of a: 31.24 ÷ (1 + 0.1) = 28.4
Number B: 28.4 △ 10 = 2.84

The sum of a and B is 24.2, and the decimal point of a moves one place to the left, which is exactly equal to B. what are the two numbers?
We don't need to solve the equation, we use the formula

A is 10 times as much as B. isn't 24.2 divided by 11 b

The sum of a and B is 31.24, the decimal point of a is equal to B when it moves to the left. What are the two numbers?
A detailed process is required

The sum of a and B is 31.24, the decimal point of a is equal to B when it moves to the left. What are the two numbers?
31.24/11=2.84 2.84*10=28.4